Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 18

We had an awesome day! Started out the day digging through the babies Easter baskets, then had a yummy breakfast! We all got clean and dressed in our Easter Sunday attire and headed out for the big Easter egg hunt! Jay had SO much fun this year with it! He did awesome and found all the eggs, even the ones daddy made tricky to find! after our hunt we came in for momma to make some devilled eggs and off to the in law's we went for a super yummy Easter dinner filled with good laughs and family fun! I sure am blessed with the life I live, the Lord has put SO many amazing people and gifts in my path and I am so grateful to him! Thank you Lord for dying on the cross for our sins and for rising from the dead, I wish you did not have to go through the agony and pain that you did on that good friday, but I am forever grateful that you love us so much to do that for us. I owe you my life and hope that each day I can bring you glory! 

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